Monday, 20 October 2014

Pattern Day!

The children participated with enthusiasm in Pattern Day!  I loved their pattern clothing, face paint, shoes and jewelry!  We enjoyed making fruit kabobs into patterns and eating the delicious jello made by Mason's mom.  (Layered in a pattern, of course!)  My favorite moment was when the boys playing at the train-set were spontaneously making the cars into a pattern!  I laughed when overhearing the comment a few seconds later...."but I don't know why our teacher gets SO excited about patterns?!"  Ok. So I may have gone a bit overboard, but patterns really are EVERYWHERE!  :)

Friday, 10 October 2014

We Like Our Red Clothes!

As part of our colors unit, our second whole language book we have been learning to read is based on the song "Mary Wore Her Red Dress"  The children had a chance to choose something red and be in the song, and have been having fun dressing up, recognizing color words and practicing our basic reading skills,  tracking as we read, self correcting and developing some basic sight words.  One of our literacy centers was 'building sentances' around this poem.  Our first poem in our Poetry Book will be one that contains lots of color words.  Please practice these words with your child.  Here are a few of our red fashionistas.....
She wore her red purse, red mittens and red scarf.

He wore his red apron.
She wore her red shoes, red skirt, red purse!